I want to write a moment to talk about the loss of my dear Aunt Judy. If there was one woman that I thought could grab Cancer (must remember to capitalize the 'C' as it is a Title referring to something of importance after all) by the throat and give it a dose of it's own medicine...it would've been her. Growing up, I always knew that Judy had her finger on the pulse. She was the "what's happening" Aunt. The one that fought for social justice when she saw the lack of it. The one who would be happy to sit quietly by while others' said their peace; but not out of apathy. Rather, she was just biding her time. Listening to all sides of the story before unleashing the 'fury' known as Her Opinion (again....capitalizing, but this time out of respect.) Judy was never one to back down and she was also never one to put the cigarette down either. Eventually, it caught up to her. I'd rather not talk about her last few months on this mortal coil as many of us are still grieving and would rather remember her for her....and not for an illness.
As recent as yesterday, I friend of mine lost her husband of so many years. The news as you can imagine, was met with heavy hearts. Time and tide wait for no man. Still, to see someone snatched away so quickly and watch the ripple effects it has on people around you, one might feel that it is truly the deceased that get off easy; no disrespect intended at all. I only mean that the living are left to cope/manage/scrape by/move on. A feat as big as a mountain and as vast as an ocean at times. A task that one day I will undertake with the loss of my Parents, perhaps even my wife should fate choose take her before me.

As for work......well.....I won't talk about work. End of story.
Needless to say, I haven't been writing for a while. I haven't been motivated to do so. I've been seasonally apathetic. My hopes, Loyal Reader...if you're still following along, is that when I do write, I add some form of entertainment to your day. I write as a form of therapy. It's cheaper than seeing a psychologist, has less side effects than taking medication and allows me to pretend for a few fleeting moments that I'm the next Stephen King. That ain't happening...I know. But seeing as how the Cops keep telling me that dressing up in a cape and tights and trying to rescue cats from trees does not make me Superman, Stephen King is a fair more manageable hero to emulate.
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